IntelliScreenX 7 For iOS 7 Released, Here’s How To Get It [VIDEO

Innovation is never far away when the jailbreak community is concerned, but as we’ve mentioned multiple times in the past, there is always going to be a selection of "must have" packages that we hope will continue to get updated with each iteration of iOS. One of those tweaks is IntelliScreenX 7, which we are excited to announce is now available in all of its’ beautiful iOS 7 glory.
For those that may be new to the world of jailbreaking, let’s have a quick recap. IntelliScreenX is a package that makes it extremely easy to keep up to date with what’s going on in your life. The package achieves this by offering immediate access to pretty much anything on the device that matters directly from the lock screen. Messages, weather information, calendar entries, emails, miscellaneous RSS feeds, IntelliScreenX has it all covered, and it looks beautiful too.

Our first look at IntelliScreenX 7 gave a glimpse of what users could expect from this launch. It becomes understandable that the package has taken so long to be updated when you actually see and interact with the finished product. The engineers on the Intelliborn team appear to have gone above and beyond with the product by bundling in a heap more power and functionality that includes immediate access to social accounts and connected feeds like Twitter and Facebook.
Regular users of IntelliScreenX will be blown away by the power and versatility of this latest offering. The additional features, including the marvelous slide functionality that we wrote about, makes the update more than worthy and manages to confirm IntelliScreenX’s dominance as one of the most professional and powerful extensions available for jailbroken devices.

The latest version of the package, IntelliScreenX 7, is available to download or purchase as a “BETA” now from the ModMyi repository for $9.99 as a new offering for devices running iOS 7 or above. If you previously purchased IntelliScreenX for iOS 6 devices, the latest version 7 will be available for you absolutely free!


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